
The Laws of Secret – Book Release

“The Laws of Secret” - Book release!

The Law Series

At the beginning of every year, Master Okawa puts out the year’s most important book: The Law Series. It is the ‘policy book’ for the year, presenting the main concept, basic activity policy, and trends not just for Happy Science but for the world at large.

Laws of Secret
The Laws of Secret

27th Law Series kyouten (book) – The Laws of Secret

Science has unveiled a lot, but there is still much in this world that remains a mystery.

The Laws of Secret
is a book that will have a great impact on modern society for it reveals that we are “moving around the room with sunglasses on” if we do not realize that we are coexisting with spiritual influences in our everyday lives.

This is particularly relevant to our times today, as the coronavirus continues to affect millions of lives in the United States.

With the advancement of science, people say there is nothing that cannot be explained in the modern civilization, but how can this be true, when our daily lives are full of the unknown? – Preface

This book describes the ways to conquer the devils, as well as how to dispel viruses. It also reveals the mystical power of God and the miraculous power of faith. I believe people today need to learn this Truth afresh as a new subject of study. – Afterword

Let yourself be guided through this new subject of study by the sure and steady hand of Master Ryuho Okawa, who balances both mysticism and rationality.

Let yourself be guided through this new subject of study by the sure and steady hand of Master Ryuho Okawa, who balances both mysticism and rationality.

Mobile With Savior Hero Image

“When The Laws of Secret becomes common knowledge to you, this world will be more beautiful and be filled with delight. And you will surely feel grateful for the mystical truth that God is keeping you alive.
– from the Preface of The Laws of Secret
Master Ryuho Okawa

Chapter 1 The Secret World in Religion – Uncovering the truth of this world and the other world

Chapter 2 How the Spiritually Disturbed Can Get Back Up – Secrets of viral infections and possession

Chapter 3 – The Condition of the Real Exorcist – Spiritual rituals of exorcism

Chapter 4 – The Right Way to Conquer Devils – What is the Dharma Power to make the world shine

Chapter 5 – Creation from Faith – The secret to overcoming the crisis of mankind

Palestras do Mestre Ryuho Okawa

Sobre o livro “As Leis do Segredo”

janeiro de 2021

Categoria: Palestra / Gravado: 07/01/2021

Sobre o livro
“As Leis do Segredo”

Palestra realizada no Templo Shoshinkan de Tóquio

Na primeira palestra de abertura do ano de 2021, o Mestre Ryuho Okawa deu à humanidade algumas diretrizes sobre como superar este ano.


【Pontos abordados】

◆ Tentativas e erros da democracia que ficou visível nas eleições presidencias nos Estados Unidos

◆ As condições para provocar uma revolução espiriutal

◆ As medidas contra o novo coronavírus está em oposição à um valor importante.

◆ Alimentos e medidas para impedir que os sintomas se manifestem, mesmo sendo infectado.

◆ As épocas da peste e da varíola foi de ressurgimento da fé.

◆ A função da religião na luta entre a medicina e a Vontade de Deus.

◆ A importância de se ter religiosidade enquanto temos vida.

Qualquer pessoa pode assistir à palestra, mensagem espiritual ou leitura do Mestre Ryuho Okawa em um local ou templo da Happy Science. Contate-nos aqui para que possamos ajudá-lo a localizar o templo mais próximo ou agendar uma exibição online. (Informe-se sobre o valor deste ensinamento)


A Virus War Broke Out as World War III?

A Virus War Broke Out as World War III?

On the night of Dec. 8, a Global Visionary and founder/CEO of Happy Science, Master Ryuho Okawa, gave a lecture entitled “With Savior.” Master Okawa began the lecture by reflecting on 2020, saying, I think this was a very difficult year.”

He then spoke about the discussion of whether COVID-19 was developed by China as a biological weapon to attack other nations.

Master Okawa pointed out that the coronavirus was a biological weapon, citing the following statement made by Dr. Satoshi Omura, a Nobel Prize recipient in Physiology or Medicine and a Professor Emeritus at Kitazato University:

“It is highly unlikely that the novel coronavirus came about naturally. Instead, much evidence points to the possibility that the virus was man-made. Four sections of Covid-19’s DNA sequence are identical to that of AIDS. Hence, there is a low possibility that the virus originated from nature.”

A Nobel Prize recipient in Physiology or Medicine and a Professor Emeritus at Kitazato University
A virus war broke out as WWIII
  “If there’s a country that would hide facts and attack foreign nations, harming the people of those nations, we must continue to investigate until the facts are evident,” Master Okawa said. “A virus war may have broken out as World War III.” “I presume that a different type of virus was dispersed in Europe and America based on the way the virus is spreading in numbers… No matter who becomes the U.S. president, we have to continue to research and investigate this matter. I am greatly angered towards the WHO officers who were subjugated early on by China.”

Will Americans be Able to Tolerate Defeat in a Virus War?

The majority of the mainstream media denies the theory that COVID-19 was developed by China as a biological weapon, and instead, reports that the virus originated naturally or broke out in many places simultaneously — just as China reports.

In Addition, the mainstream media remains silent about the Democrats’ potential voter fraud in the U.S. election and Hunter Biden’s China-related scandals that the New York Post reported on.

Master Okawa criticized the media for arranging a media blackout to prevent the dissemination of information about the possibility COVID-19 being artificially developed, and therefore creating a narrative that Trump is a mad dictator for believing that China developed COVID-19.

“This election wasn’t about choosing between Mr. Trump or Mr. Biden. The election was a ‘Trump versus anti-Trump’ battle’, and the mainstream media was the central axis of the anti-Trump forces.”

Master Okawa also spoke about why President Trump continues to engage in legal battles over the outcome of the presidential election.

“If Biden becomes the President next year and it becomes evident that this virus was made in China and strategically dispersed to Europe and the States, if Joe Biden and Hunter Biden have in fact been bought by China, it is not just a matter of Republicans being defeated by Democrats. It will mean that the U.S. lost against China and they are on the way to becoming the Great Chinese Empire. I’d like to leave off with a question: will Americans be able to tolerate this outcome?”

Caution of an emerging Totalitarian State

Furthermore, it was predicted that China will surpass the U.S. between 2035 and 2040, by which a hegemonic war would’ve likely occurred; however, as of 2020, it can be said that China’s State Chairman Xi Jinping thought he achieved hegemony through the virus war and Trump’s defeat.

Master Okawa pointed out that if this is the case, “China will immediately be 15 to 20 years ahead of their plan, and the strategic map of the world will change. What will happen after January of next year? It is highly likely that there will be an enormously large paradigm shift— involving Hong Kong, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Australia — that will question Asia’s way of thinking.”

He also said that the outcome will “depend on how neighboring countries, such as Japan, and European countries respond.” According to Master Okawa, “China doesn’t really have that much power yet,” and he advised Western countries to join in unity and counter China.
Towards the end of the lecture, Master Okawa called out to the audience: “What I said today may have sounded extreme. By listening in, however, consumers of misleading information will begin to have wavering thoughts at some point. After these wavering thoughts lie the middle way — this path will appear once people quietly contemplate. The world must make the right progress that stems from this middle way.”

“Faith Immunity” can protect you from this virus

There have been many cases where Happy Science members took part in the ritual prayer, “Prayer for Defeating the Infection of Novel Coronavirus Originated in China,” for their loved ones who caught COVID-19 and successfully cured them of the virus. “We have CDs of songs I make and my lectures, DVDs and books. These are all weapons (which increases your immunity) to counter COVID-19.”

The Thunder


A Composition for Repelling the Coronavirus

Contact us here so that we can help you locate your nearest temple or arrange an online viewing to watch the full lecture “With Savior” or “Spiritual Messages from the Guardian Spirits of Biden and Trump.” (Suggested donation $20)
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My Mother Recovered from the Coronavirus Infection Through Ritual Prayer!

My Mother Recovered from the Coronavirus Infection Through Ritual Prayer!

Member story

In America, when the city was under a lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, Annette’s mother became infected with the coronavirus. We asked her on how she overcame the fear of her mother’s death.

I have to save my mother

It was in March of this year, when the number of infected people with the novel coronavirus was increasing fast to about hundreds and thousands of people and my area was beginning to go into lockdown. My mother gave me a phone call….
“I can’t breathe.”

I told my mother to go to the hospital immediately and I went to Happy Science local temple* by myself to take the ritual prayer, “Prayer for Defeating the Infection of Novel Coronavirus Originated in China.” I thought if my mother dies now, I will definitely have regrets. The reason I thought this is because I’ve had troubles with my mother since I was a child. My mother had been in depression after losing my older sister to an illness shortly after I was born. She would restrict me from seeing my friends or going abroad to study, so I’ve always resented her.

But after I became a member of Happy Science, I began to have gratitude towards her. When I started studying Master Okawa’s teachings and reflecting on myself, I realized that if it had not been for my mother’s love of raising me up on her own, I wouldn’t have been able to go to college. So, I wanted to improve my relationship with her.

I thought I needed to throw the negative past with my mom away. I thought I wanted to have a better, positive relationship with her. While I was taking the ritual prayer at the temple, I felt my heart becoming filled with the Lord’s Light and I started feeling warm. I felt assured that my mother must still have something to live for and she will definitely get better.

Annette | New York | USA

Master Okawa’s Teachings Saved Me

A few days later, my mother was tested positive with the coronavirus. She wasn’t breathing very well, only had 10% oxygen by herself, and was taken into the ICU. In Master Okawa’s lecture, “How to Strengthen Your Immunity,” I had already learned that fear is what weakens our immune system, so I made sure to call my mother three to six times a day to assure her that she was going to be OK.

Then, my mother just kept getting better and was moved out of the ICU on her fifth day after she was hospitalized and on her eighth she was discharged! I was so grateful for this, but what’s more, a miracle happened! My mother, who would always talk about herself started to think about other people, became more understanding, and is more thoughtful of my perspective too. What’s more, I was able to tell her that I love her. It was the first time since I was a kid that I was able to tell her. My relationship with her has changed a lot. My mother is still not a member, but she now has gratitude towards God and says she wants to help other people from now on.

Happy Science teachings have helped cure illness and improve my relationship with my mother. I have only gratitude to Master Okawa.

Annette took this prayer

“Prayer for Defeating the Infection of Novel Coronavirus Originated in China” is available to take at all Happy Science locations.

How to Strengthen Your Immunity Lecture DVD

To protect yourself from Novel Coronavirus and other infectious diseases

Available at local branches and temples worldwide

How to Strengthen Your Immunity
How to Strengthen Your Immunity
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With Savior

With Savior Lecture El Cantare Celebration Lecture Given by Master Ryuho Okawa on December 8th, 2020 in front of 10,000 people and broadcast to 3,500

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My dead daughter came back to life!

My dead daughter came back to life!

Member story

Peri-Peri is a small village a six-hour drive away from the capital of Uganda, Kampala. Here lives Ofwond Erosania, who experienced a miracle. His two year old daughter died of a high fever, but after 45 minutes, came back to life again. It is a reminder that we all have the power within us to cure illness and to make miracles happen.

Ofwond Erosania | Republic of Uganda
Ofwond Erosania | Republic of Uganda

“Come back!” Ofwond was crying out, when he heard the voice, “Pray for her.”

Akware Prossy, the nurse who witnessed this miracle
The True Words Spoken By Buddha
The True Words Spoken By Buddha
In June 2013, Ofwond’s two-year-old daughter, Twency Robina Erosania passed away from a high fever. The nurse, Akware Prossy recalls, “I checked to see if her heart was beating, but it wasn’t. She passed away and had no pulse. Certainly, she was dead.” Ofwond cried out, “God, why have you taken my daughter away from me! She cannot die! Please bring her back!” This was when a miracle happened. Ofwond recalls, “As if someone was speaking to me, I heard a voice that said, ‘Pray for your daughter. The sutra, Shoshinhogo (English version: The True Words Spoken by Buddha) has great power.’ So I did what the voice told me and prayed over and over again. Then, after about 45 minutes, my daughter opened her eyes and began to cry!”
Ofwond prayer

“Nothing is impossible if you believe.”

Not only the nurse, but also many people in the village witnessed this astonishing moment. They gave their prayers of thanks to Lord El Cantare for making the miracle happen. Seven years later, Twency is a joyful nine-year-old who’s dream is to be a school teacher. Her mother, Abo Jenifer Erosania, says, “I remember feeling light shining in from heaven. I felt so blessed when I knelt down and gave my thanks to our Lord.” How did Ofwond’s life change after the miracle? When asked this question, Ofwond strongly and firmly answered, “Nothing is impossible if you believe.” This incredible story reminds us that believing is not something we do just for comfort. Believing truly connects us with a love that cannot be seen and makes us stronger.

For more stories of miracles, contact us to watch the documentary Living in the Age of Miracles

Living in the age of miracles
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